El Programa Cooperativo Sobre la Apifauna Mexicana
The PCAM (El Programa Cooperativo Sobre la Apifauna Mexicana) Database of Mexican Bees, with Floral Records; by Douglas Yanega, Illinois Natural History Survey. Funded by NSF Grant#BSR-90-24723 to Wallace E. LaBerge (INHS) and Ronald J. McGinley (Smithsonian Institution), principal investigators.
This electronic form is copyrighted, but technically not “published,” so the appropriate form of citation is probably in the acknowledgments section. If a citation is desired, then “Yanega, D. 1995.” and the above title might be used; list the address of this website as if it were the journal (standards for citation of electronic resources are not yet established).
I would like to express gratitude to the numerous individuals who assisted in the identification of the thousands of bee specimens recorded here; Byron A. Alexander (University of Kansas), Ricardo Ayala-Barajas (Estacion Biologia Chamela), Howell V. Daly (University of California, Berkeley), Bryan N. Danforth (Cornell University), George C. Eickwort (Cornell University), Terry L. Griswold (USDA Bee Lab, Logan, Utah), Wallace E. LaBerge (INHS), Ronald J. McGinley (SmithsonianInstitution), Charles D. Michener (University of Kansas), Robert L.Minckley (Auburn University), Jack Neff (Central texas MelittologicalInstitute), Jerome G. Rozen (American Museum of Natural History), Fernando Silveira (University of Kansas), Roy R. Snelling (Los Angeles County Museum).
Database Information
This database was created using FoxBase 4.0, and converted later to Microsoft FoxPro 2.5b, in which format the archived files have been stored. The structure is broken into 5 related databases; one primary database (PCAMbees1.dbf, with associated memo file PCAMbees1.dbf), and four subsidiary databases: (1) beegenera.dbf (2) plants.dbf (3) coll/deposit.dbf (4)lots/locales.dbf The fields and organization are presently as follows:
PCAMbees1.dbf fields (those marked with asterisks link to marked fields below): lot code*/bee genus*/species/#males/# females/host plant abbreviation*/collector’s initials*/subgenus/subspecies/determiner*/memo field. (for information such as whether there are any mites, stylopids, ortriungulins on the specimen, or if the repository is other than the default, and other miscellany)
beegenera.dbf fields: bee genus*/family/parasitic or not (Y/N)
plants.dbf fields: host plant abbreviation*/plant genus/species/family. {NOTE: plant identifications by personnel of the University of Texas at Austin Herbarium, under Dr. Beryl Simpson, who are all gratefully acknowledged here; this is the depository for half of the plant vouchers, the remainder are at UNAM}
coll/deposit.dbf fields: collector’s initials*/collector’s full name/depository for material from this collector
{NOTE: half of all material from each collector will ultimately be deposited with UNAM in Mexico, though much still remains with the INHS presently – if material is needed for examination, please contact Dr. Yanega directly}
lots/locales.dbf fields: lot code*/state/locality/elevation(m)/latitude-longitude/date/habitat (lastfield presently blank, pending objective categorization)
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NOTE: No index or report file formats are included here; if the user needs them, they can design and customize their own in FoxPro.
Any and all questions about the contents of this page or these data, should be directed to Dr. Yanega:
Dr. D. Yanega