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Caption for above photo: Phanogomphus lividus (Ashy Clubtail) recently documented in Illinois by Doug Mills (©️ 2023, CC-BY-NC)
State of Illinois
Checklist of Dragonflies & Damselflies
(Order: Odonata)
- Updated January 2024 by:
- Marla C. Garrison, Director, Liebman Institute for Science Innovation, McHenry County College, Crystal Lake IL
- Timothy E. Vogt, Research Associate, Illinois State Museum, Valmeyer IL
- Jason T. Bried, Research Scientist, Illinois Natural History Survey, University of Illinois, Champaign IL
Status Acronyms:
- FLE Federal List of Endangered Species
- FTE Federal List of Threatened Species
- G2 Globally imperiled
- G3 Globally vulnerable
- G4 Globally apparently secure
- G5 Globally secure
- S1 Critically imperiled in state because of extreme rarity (five or fewer occurrences or very few remaining individuals or acres) or because of some factor(s) making it especially vulnerable to extirpation from the state
- S2 Imperiled in state because of rarity (6 to 20 occurrences or few remaining individuals or acres) or because of some factor(s) making it very vulnerable to extirpation from the state
- S3 Rare or uncommon in state (on the order of 21 to 100 occurrences)
- S4 Apparently secure in state, with many occurrences
- S5 Demonstrably secure in state, and essentially ineradicable under present conditions
- SA Accidental in state, including species recorded once or twice or only at very great intervals
- SH Of historical occurrence, perhaps not verified in the last 20 years and suspected to be still extant.
- SLE State List of Endangered Species
- SLT State List of Threatened Species
- SR Reported, but without persuasive documentation
- SRF Reported in error but this error persisted in literature
- SX Apparently extirpated from the state
- WL Placed on Illinois Watch List (includes “Species with Greatest Information Need” or SGIN)
- canadensis Walker, 1908 – Canada Darner S2, G5
- clepsydra Say, 1839 – Mottled Darner SH, WL, G4
- constricta Say, 1839 – Lance-tipped Darner S3, G5
- umbrosa Walker, 1908 – Shadow Darner S4, G5
- verticalis Hagen, 1861 – Green-striped Darner S1, WL, G5
- junius Drury, 1773 – Common Green Darner S5, G5
- longipes Hagen, 1861 – Comet Darner S2, G5
- janata Say, 1839 – Springtime Darner S2, G5
- vinosa Say, 1839 – Fawn Darner S5, G5
- heros Fabricius, 1798 – Swamp Darner S4, G5
- pentacantha Selys in Förster, 1900 – Cyrano Darner S4, G5
- mutata Hagen, 1861 – Spatterdock Darner S2, G4
PETALURIDAE – Petaltails
- thoreyi Hagen in Selys, 1859 – Gray Petaltail S2, WL, G4
GOMPHIDAE – Clubtails
- cornutus Tough, 1900 – Horned Clubtail S1, WL, G4
- furcifer Hagen in Selys, 1878 – Lilypad Clubtail SR, WL, G5
- lentulus Needham, 1902 – Stillwater Clubtail S1, WL, G5
- maxwelli Ferguson, 1950 – Bayou Clubtail S1, WL, G5
- submedianus Williamson, 1914 – Jade Clubtail S4, G5
- villosipes Selys, 1854 – Unicorn Clubtail S3, G5
- spinosus Selys, 1854 – Black-shouldered Spinyleg S3, G5
- spoliatus Selys, 1854 – Flag-tailed Spinyleg S3, G4
- designatus Hagen in Selys, 1858 – Eastern Ringtail S2, G5
- externus Hagen in Selys, 1858 – Plains Clubtail S4, G5
- fraternus Say, 1839 – Midland Clubtail S3, G5
- hybridus Williamson, 1902 – Cocoa Clubtail S1, WL, G4
- lineatifrons Calvert, 1921 – Splendid Clubtail SR, WL, G4
- vastus Walsh, 1862 – Cobra Clubtail S3, G5
- ventricosus Walsh, 1863 – Skillet Clubtail SX, WL, G3
- brevistylus Selys, 1854 – Dragonhunter S2, G5
- rupinsulensis Walsh, 1862 – Rusty Snaketail S3, G5
- descriptus Banks, 1896 – Harpoon Clubtail SRF, G4
- exilis Selys, 1854 – Lancet Clubtail S4, G5
- graslinellus Walsh, 1862 – Pronghorn Clubtail S3, G5
- lividus Selyx 1854 – Ashy Clubtail S1, WL, G5
- militaris Hagen in Selys, 1858 – Sulphur-tipped Clubtail S1, WL, G5
- quadricolor Walsh, 1863 – Rapids Clubtail SH, WL, G3
- spicatus Hagen in Selys, 1854 – Dusky Clubtail S2, WL, G5
- obscurus Rambur, 1842 – Common Sanddragon S3, G5
- amnicola Walsh, 1862 – Riverine Clubtail S3, G4
- notatus Rambur, 1842 – Elusive Clubtail S3, G3
- plagiatus Selys, 1854 – Russet-tipped Clubtail S5, G5
- spiniceps Walsh, 1862 – Arrow Clubtail S3, G5
- bilineata Carle, 1983 – Brown Spiketail S1, WL, G5
- diastatops Selys, 1854 – Delta-spotted Spiketail SH, WL, G5
- erronea Hagen in Selys, 1878 – Tiger Spiketail S1, WL, G4
- obliqua Say, 1839 – Arrowhead Spiketail S3, G4
- transversa Say, 1839 – Stream Cruiser S2, WL, G5
- alleghaniensis Williamson, 1909 – Allegheny River Cruiser S1, WL, G4
- annulata Hagen 1861 – Bronzed River Cruiser SRF, G5
- illinoiensis – Swift River Cruiser
- georgina Walsh, 1862 S2, G5
- illinoiensis Walsh, 1862 S4, G5
- pacifica Hagen, 1861 – Gilded River Cruiser S1, WL, G4
- taeniolata Rambur, 1842 – Royal River Cruiser S4, G5
- libera Selys, 1871 – Racket-tailed Emerald S1, WL, G5
Epitheca (Tetragoneuria)
- costalis Selys, 1871 – Slender Baskettail, S4, G5
- cynosura Say, 1839 – Common Baskettail S5, G5
- spinigera Selys, 1871 – Spiny Baskettail SH, WL, G5
Epitheca (Epicordulia)
- princeps Hagen, 1861 – Prince Baskettail S5, G5
- molesta Walsh, 1863 – Smoky Shadowdragon S3, G4
- obsoleta Say, 1839 – Umber Shadowdragon SRF, G5
- xanthosoma Williamson, 1908 – Orange Shadowdragon S1, WL, G5
- yamaskanensis Provancher, 1875 – Stygian Shadowdragon S1, WL, G5
- hineana Williamson, 1931 – Hine’s Emerald S2, WL, G2, FLE, SLE
- linearis Hagen, 1861 – Mocha Emerald S3, G5
- tenebrosa Say, 1839 – Clamp-tipped Emerald S2, WL, G5
- elisa Hagen, 1861 – Calico Pennant S5, G5
- eponina Drury, 1773 – Halloween Pennant S5, G5
- fasciata Kirby, 1889 – Banded Pennant S3, G5
- verna Pritchard, 1935 – Double-ringed Pennant S1, WL, G5
- fugax Hagen, 1861 – Checkered Setwing S2, G5
- velox Hagen, 1861 – Swift Setwing S2, G5
- simplicicollis Say, 1839 – Eastern Pondhawk S5, G5
- vesiculosa Fabricius, 1775 – Great Pondhawk SA, G5
- minuscula Rambur, 1842 – Little Blue Dragonlet SA, G5
- umbrata Linnaeus, 1758 – Band-winged Dragonlet SA, G5
- deplanata Rambur, 1842 – Blue Corporal S3, G5
- julia Uhler, 1857 – Chalk-fronted Corporal SH, WL, G5
- frigida Hagen, 1890 – Frosted Whiteface S1, WL, G5
- intacta Hagen, 1861 – Dot-tailed Whiteface S4, G5
- auripennis Burmeister, 1839 – Golden-winged Skimmer SA, G5
- cyanea Fabricius, 1775 – Spangled Skimmer S3, G5
- flavida Rambur, 1842 – Yellow-sided Skimmer SA, WL, G3
- incesta Hagen, 1861 – Slaty Skimmer S5, G5
- luctuosa Burmeister, 1839 – Widow Skimmer S5, G5
- pulchella Drury, 1773 – Twelve-spotted Skimmer S5, G5
- quadrimaculata Linnaeus, 1758 – Four-spotted Skimmer S3, G5
- semifasciata Burmeister, 1839 – Painted Skimmer S3, G5
- vibrans Fabricius, 1793 – Great Blue Skimmer S3, G5
- bella Uhler, 1857 – Elfin Skimmer S1, WL, G4, SLE
- longipennis Burmeister, 1839 – Blue Dasher S5, G5
- flavescens Fabricius, 1798 – Wandering Glider S5, G5
- hymenaea Say, 1839 – Spot-winged Glider S5, G5
- tenera Say, 1839 – Eastern Amberwing S5, G5
- lydia Drury, 1773 – Common Whitetail S5, G5
- ambiguum Rambur, 1842 – Blue-faced Meadowhawk S4, G5
- corruptum Hagen, 1861– Variegated Meadowhawk S3, G5
- costiferum Hagen, 1861 – Saffron-winged Meadowhawk S2, G5
- danae Sulzer, 1776 – Black Meadowhawk S1, WL, G5
- internum Montgomery, 1943 – Cherry-faced Meadowhawk S2, G5
- obtrusum Hagen, 1867 – White-faced Meadowhawk S5, G5
- rubicundulum Say, 1839 – Ruby Meadowhawk S5, G5
- semicinctum Say, 1839 – Band-winged Meadowhawk S3, G5
- vicinum Hagen, 1861 – Autumn Meadowhawk S5, G5
- carolina Linnaeus, 1763 – Carolina Saddlebags S4, G5
- darwini (calverti) Muttkowski, 1910 – Striped Saddlebags SA, G5
- lacerata Hagen, 1861 – Black Saddlebags S5, G5
- onusta Hagen, 1861 – Red Saddlebags S5, G5
LESTIDAE – Spreadwings
- grandis Rambur, 1842 – Great Spreadwing S4, G5
- australis Walker, 1952 – Southern Spreadwing S4, G5
- congener Hagen, 1861 – Spotted Spreadwing S4, G5
- disjunctus Walker, 1952 – Northern Spreadwing SR, WL, G5
- dryas Kirby, 1890 – Emerald Spreadwing S4, G5
- eurinus Say, 1839 – Amber-winged Spreadwing S3, G5
- forcipatus Rambur, 1842 – Sweetflag Spreadwing S3, G5
- inaequalis Walsh, 1862 – Elegant Spreadwing S3, G5
- rectangularis Say, 1839 – Slender Spreadwing S5, G5
- unguiculatus Hagen, 1861 – Lyre-tipped Spreadwing S4, G5
- vigilax Hagen in Selys, 1862 – Swamp Spreadwing S2, G5
CALOPTERYGIDAE – Broad-winged Damsels
- aequabilis Say, 1839 – River Jewelwing S2, WL, G5
- maculata Beauvais, 1805 – Ebony Jewelwing S5, G5
- americana Fabricius, 1798 – American Rubyspot S5, G5
- titia Drury, 1773 – Smoky Rubyspot S3, G5
- abbreviatum/saucium? Selys, 1876/Burmeister, 1839 – Western/Eastern Red Damsel S3, G5
- apicalis Say, 1839 – Blue-fronted Dancer S5, G5
- fumipennis Burmeister, 1839 – Variable Dancer S5, G5
- funebris (plana) Hagen, 1861 – Springwater Dancer S3, G5
- moesta Hagen, 1861 – Powdered Dancer S5, G5
- sedula Hagen, 1861 – Blue-ringed Dancer S3, G5
- tibialis Rambur, 1842 – Blue-tipped Dancer S5, G5
- translata Hagen in Selys, 1865 – Dusky Dancer S2, WL, G5
- conditum Selys, 1876 – Aurora Damsel SH, WL, G5
- resolutum Selys, 1876 – Taiga Bluet S1, WL, G5
- anna Williamson, 1900 – River Bluet S2, G5
- antennatum Say, 1839 – Rainbow Bluet S3, G5
- aspersum Hagen, 1861 – Azure Bluet S4, G5
- basidens Calvert, 1902 – Double-striped Bluet S5, G5
- boreale Selys, 1875 – Boreal Bluet S1, WL, G5
- carunculatum Morse, 1895 – Tule Bluet S3, G5
- civile Hagen, 1861 – Familiar Bluet S5, G5
- divagans Selys, 1876 – Turquoise Bluet S2, WL, G5
- ebrium Hagen, 1861 – Marsh Bluet S3, G5
- exsulans Hagen, 1861 – Stream Bluet S5, G5
- geminatum Kellicott, 1895 – Skimming Bluet S4, G5
- hageni Walsh, 1863 – Hagen’s Bluet S2, G5
- signatum Hagen, 1861 – Orange Bluet S5, G5
- traviatum Selys, 1876 – Slender Bluet S4, G5
- vesperum Calvert, 1919 – Vesper Bluet S4, G5
- hastata Say, 1839 – Citrine Forktail S5, G5
- kellicotti Williamson, 1898 – Lilypad Forktail S2, WL, G5
- posita Hagen, 1861 – Fragile Forktail S5, G5
- ramburii Selys, 1850 – Rambur’s Forktail S2, G5
- verticalis Say, 1839 – Eastern Forktail S5, G5
- gracilis Morse, 1895 – Sphagnum Sprite S1, WL, G5
- irene Hagen, 1861 – Sedge Sprite S3, G5
- byersi Westfall, 1957 – Duckweed Firetail S1, WL, G5